Terms and conditions

1. Bookings of 8+ guests:
For reservations over 9 guests, credit card details are required to secure the booking. No deposit is taken prior to the booking. The fee of £20pp will only be charged in the event of no-shows and cancellations within 48 hours of the booking.

2. Bookings for Saturday & Sunday:
All guests booking for Saturdays or Sunday brunches are required to provide credit card details to secure the booking. No deposit is taken prior to the booking. The fee of £20pp will only be charged in the event of no-shows and cancellations within 48 hours of the booking.

3. This clause applies to the following: where the Client (a) cancels the entire event, (b) cancels partial use of the facilities for the event.

3.2 Should an event be cancelled; the following cancellation charges will apply and extend to the total charge, which includes: any required accommodation, function room hire, equipment, pre-booked food and beverage charges. In addition, the Client will settle any third-party costs incurred by the venue on behalf of the Client.

3.3 Cancellation Clause 
30 days prior the event, you will be liable to pay the agreed pre-order amount for food and/or drinks.
14 working days prior to the event, you will be liable to pay the minimum spend. If the minimum spend is lower than the pre-order, you will be charged for the pre-order. No shows will be charged the same way.

3.4 All cancellations must be received in writing from the Client and will be deemed to take effect from the date of receipt.

3.5 Any postponements of confirmed and contracted business or any Public Health Emergency declared by Public Health England, the Chief Medical Officer for England or any law or any action taken by the UK government or UK public authority that directly affects the operation of the event will be considered as a cancellation in accordance with the above cancellation clauses. However, provided the revised event date is agreed (subject to availability) and takes place within 12 months of the original event date, payments received by the venue from the Client shall form a credit towards the future event. 

4. Private parties:
Deposit - A non-refundable deposit of 50% of the total fee payable (including VAT), as quoted and agreed, of any event or programme shall be payable on confirmation of the order. If the minimum spend is not met, the difference, along with a 12.5% service charge, will need to be paid on the day. Payment can be made by cash or card only.

5. Deposits:
Deposit payments, card details, and minimum spends can be made via bank transfer, payment link, or in person at the restaurant.

6. Please note: A discretionary service charge of 12.5% will be added to your final bill for all bookings.

7. Ayllu restaurant is not responsible for any loss or damage to equipment, furniture, or other property brought onto the premises by clients or their agents.

8. In the event of a cancellation or no-show, you will be responsible for any costs incurred by external entertainment organised by Ayllu on your behalf, as per the cancellation policies of the entertainment company.

9. All food, beverage, and room hire costs include VAT.

10. The minimum spend does not include the 12.5% service charge, which cannot be counted towards the minimum spend unless otherwise agreed upon with the Events Manager before the event.

11. Please inform us as early as possible if you or any member of your party has allergies. Ayllu restaurant will not be held responsible for any allergic reactions if staff were not informed of the allergies prior to the event.

12. No food, wine, beer, or spirits may be brought into Ayllu restaurant by clients or their guests for on-site consumption unless prior written consent and a corkage/additional fee agreement have been obtained.

13. Force Majeure: In the event of a natural disaster (fire, flood, power outage, hurricane, etc.) leading to the closure of Ayllu Restaurant, your deposit will be refunded. However, Ayllu will not be liable for any further compensation under such circumstances.

14. Ayllu reserves the right to refuse entry or remove any guest who is intoxicated or acting disorderly. The restaurant is not responsible for contacting Emergency Services if deemed necessary.

15. Unauthorised photographers are not permitted on the premises unless prior arrangements have been made with the Events Manager. Notification must be given 72 hours before the event, and the client must specify where the photographs will be used and displayed.

16. Complaints must be submitted to Ayllu restaurant by letter or email within seven days of your event. After this period, it will be at the General Manager’s discretion to address the complaint.

17. You will be held responsible for any damage caused to the furniture or fittings at Ayllu restaurant by any event guests.

18. Ayllu restaurant reserves the right to change food and drink prices without prior notice, except where prices have been confirmed in the final confirmation email.